Monday, March 25, 2024

Time for Leading Republicans to Endorse Biden/Harris

I just finished Romney: A Reckoning by McKay Copping.  The book is mostly a presentation of Romney as a representative of traditional Republican values and morality.  Romney's case is persuasive.  Of course, there are other Republicans who have distanced themselves from Trump, most recently Mike Pence.  And yet, Trump remains a threat to win back the Presidency.  

Is it time for these Republicans to endorse Biden/Harris?  Surely there are features of Biden/Harris that can be supported by these Republicans.  I suppose a problem is down ballot.  A Romney endorsement of Biden cannot be seen as an endorsement of Democrats running for the House or Senate against Republican opponents.  But if Romney and friends are interested in returning sanity to the Republican, I cogent strategy could be to endorse Biden/Harris and all opponents to extremism where possible.  Reasonable candidates running against Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Bobert should be grouped with Biden/Harris to purge Republicans from extremism.  

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